Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Photos

Hope everyone had a very happy holiday. Elliot had a great first Christmas. We went to Howie's parents on Christmas Eve and spent Christmas at our house with the Black family. Here are a few updated pictures of Elliot Finn. We still do not know what we are going to call him. Thanks to everyone keeping tabs on us. Happy New Year to you all and hope all is well. xx oo xx oo

ps... the tie-dye onsie, was made for E.F. by our friends Aragorn and Peyton for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Growing baby

Wow at how they grow! Here are a few pictures of the sweetest thing ever. We have been great just getting into a rhythm with no hospital visits (yippie).
We went to his 1 month doctor visit and he weighs 8.8lbs now and is now 21 1/4inches long and his head grew an inch! He is smiling now and adding new faces daily to his routine.
Hope everyone is doing well and wishing you all a Happy Holiday season.
Love love love

Friday, December 11, 2009

A new bump....

Hello everyone!
Hope December is treating you well. It has been a bit bumpy for little Elliot Finn. We left Scottish Rite hospital this Wednesday. Elliot had a condition called pyloric stenosis. Its where food in the stomach can't get to the intestines to be digested. There is a muscle called the pyloric that lets food out of the stomach. His was over developed causing very little food to digest, in the meantime the food (or milk in his case) was building up in the stomach with no place to go causing projectile vomiting.
This is the main symptom of the condition. (and it is horrible) 1 out of 400 kids get it. The cause is unknown. Still a mystery. Elliot had surgery on Monday. They went in through his belly button made a tiny slice on the pyloric muscle opening it up to allow food to pass through. He should be totally fine for the rest of his life. The surgery took maybe 15 minutes leaving no scars since he is so young.
All things considered it is not that big of a deal. There are a lot worse things out there. Lets just hope and pray this is all the bumps in the road for him.
It has been a crazy first month! Elliot is doing great now. Eating well and holding it all in! Yippie no more projectile!!!! Howie's collar bone is doing better. Lots of screws in his shoulder and a nice scar. Mom is doing fine. Ready for no more hospitals.
Hope everyone is ready for the holiday's!!! Drink and be merry..

Krim Howie Elliot Finn

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello everyone. We are all hanging in. Elliot is doing great. He is growing and getting more handsome everyday. Here are a few pictures of him, and one with Howie's mother. It is so sweet. Howie is going back to work this week with this Gimp self. I will go back next week part time. Oh how the time goes by fast. For of those who have not met him, cant wait for you to. For those who have, thanks for the visits. We love you all and hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving.

Oh Dad!

Well dad took his first mountain bike ride after Elliot Finn was born and........ broke his collar bone in 4 places. These are a few of him and his bike. Life has been fun to say the least. Howie had surgery and is recovering. Painful to say the least! We are doing fine, just wish Howie a quick recovery!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

And the winner is.

Since things happened a little fast and early, we finally have a winner of the "pick the date" contest from the shower. That was such a great time and hope everyone had as much of a good time as we did. At the shower we also had a name the baby jar. It was really fun to go through the names. We actually wrote some of them on our list. So here is the winner and some of our favorite names out of the jar. Thanks everyone!!!

The Winner for closest due date is CHRISTINA CLIFTON!! She picked November 17th. While she thought it was a girl, she still got the closest date. Congrats T. You get the case of Fat Tire (your favorite) the convection oven, and the indoor grill.

Here are some of our favorite pickle names: Boy names: Cedar Henry, Handle Bar Black,
Leroy Stitchcomb (our favorite), Everett,
Chain Ring Davis, Forest Patrick Black, Pablo,

Girls: Olivia K. Davis, Krimie, Petra, La-a (Huh?)
Sara Jean Black Davis,
Phoebe and Cree

Boy or Girl: Sammie

Great Times!

An update

So as you all know, a new beautiful pickle has entered the world. Elliot Finn is here and doing great. We had a little set back and had to go back to the hospital on Wednesday due to a slightly above average jaundice count. Since he was three weeks early, he was in the high risk category so we had to put him under a high powered "grow light" if you will. It was misery to be honest, but he is doing great now. His count is normal and we are home. Things are going well, he is eating like a champ, sleeping well, and going to the bathroom. That's about the extent of life now.
We are great, so happy and in love with him. We took him on his first walk with the dogs. Thankfully the sun is out again and we can enjoy the beautiful days. Thanks again for all the calls, all the texts, all the visits, all the food, and mostly all the support. You guys are amazing. Love you lots.
Here are a few pictures of Elliot under the grow light with some horrible little goggles. May you never have to go through that.........

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome........ Elliot Finn Davis

Elliot Finn Davis is here!!! He was born on Sunday November 08 2009 at 9:35am. He was 7lbs and 19 3/4 in long. Healthy and so so so so beautiful. He was ready to enter this world, as he was 3 weeks early. All is going great. We left the hospital on Monday. Mom is doing really good. Dad is doing great too. The labor was intense and 8 hours but we all survived! Here are a few pictures of the hour old Elliot and a few of dad and him as well. We are so excited and so happy. Cant wait for each one of you to meet him. He rocks! Love you guys lots... Stay tuned

Monday, November 2, 2009

happy halloween

This is us on Halloween. Howie painted a pumpkin on my belly and i had little pumpkins attached around my waist for a pumpkin patch. Howie was a scarecrow. It was really cute and fun. Most people could not believe that was my real belly. So it was pickles first costume. Thought you would enjoy these. 5 weeks to go!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


WOW!! We both wanted to thank everyone that helped us celebrate on Sunday!! We had such a great time and got so many wonderful things. We are so overwhelmed and slowly going though all the goodies and arranging the baby room accordingly. We are so lucky to have such great friends and family. Thanks to you all and especially the folks that put it together. It was great. I hope all of you had a good time. We will post some pictures soon of the cookout and the baby room. Again, thanks from all three of us. All i know is that this is one lucky pickle!
Love you guys!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hello all. We are gearing up for the shower on the 25th. We are registered at Target for now. Just to make clear, it is not just for ladies! Also if you have not recieved and invitation, this is yours. I did not hear back from some of you on address's so you are totally invited! Please do not feel like you need to bring a gift. We have been very very lucky to have received lots of great items and hand me downs!!! We are so excited and the cookout should be fun. Laid back, good spirits, and great folks.

As far as the little one, he/she, is growing lots. My belly is growing daily. I think over the past week it has doubled! Our last "doctors" visit was great. All is on the proper schedule. Howie got to feel the little head, as it is head down! Great sign. We have around 6 weeks left until the due date. It is going by so fast. So the realistically this little one could come in three weeks..... WOW!

We will be having pickle at Athens Regional, as it is the affiliate with the Midwife center. We are so very happy with the midwife's. They are so very supportive and great. I could not imagine a different experience.

We will have more pictures soon. If anyone needs to contact us please do so. Hope all is wonderful and thanks again for being a part of this.

Love you guys!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hello everyone!! Just a little early invite to a shower that is going to be thrown for us on October 25th. The party will start at 2:00 and go until 6:00 at The Krimson Kafe. Invitations will be sent out and we will keep you updated on any changes. Hope to see you guys!!!
We also wanted you all to know that we have been very lucky in receiving lots of nice items already for the little pickle. We have got alot of the main items such as a crib, glider, swing, bouncy seats, a car seat, and a highchair. We are registered at Target and will continue to update items as we are more informed on what we need. By all means gifts are not necessary, just you and your wonderful selves to help us celebrate this adventure.
On a side note, there are a few neat items that we have been looking at. Ergo baby carriers are really cool, as well as a site called Etsy. It is all homemade items, from toys to diaper bags, to blankets.... It is amazing and you are supporting individuals that are hand-making items. Great stuff.
Check back for updates. Thanks again everyone. We are very lucky!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Howie and The Fall Tour

Howie before and after picture of his brutal day on the trail. This 6 hour ride in pouring rain all day hopefully will set the pace for pickle's tour stage win later in life!

The 31 week picture

Ok, so here is a picture of what I am looking like
at 7 months. ITS GROWING!!! Loving the hint of fall in the air!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the Tummy

These are some ultrasound pictures. They are not the best, but you get the point. The first one is little hands!!! The second one is obviously a little pickle chillin, and the third one is a foot. These pictures were around 18 weeks. I am now 30 weeks so you can imagine how much its grown.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hello everyone. We wanted to make this blog for updates on us, and the development of the baby. We hope to post current pictures as well as current events that are happening with this exciting adventure. Hopefully this will be a useful and easy tool so that you all can join us in this journey. Thanks for all the support and wishes. We are very lucky!! Enjoy.