Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Photos

Hope everyone had a very happy holiday. Elliot had a great first Christmas. We went to Howie's parents on Christmas Eve and spent Christmas at our house with the Black family. Here are a few updated pictures of Elliot Finn. We still do not know what we are going to call him. Thanks to everyone keeping tabs on us. Happy New Year to you all and hope all is well. xx oo xx oo

ps... the tie-dye onsie, was made for E.F. by our friends Aragorn and Peyton for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Growing baby

Wow at how they grow! Here are a few pictures of the sweetest thing ever. We have been great just getting into a rhythm with no hospital visits (yippie).
We went to his 1 month doctor visit and he weighs 8.8lbs now and is now 21 1/4inches long and his head grew an inch! He is smiling now and adding new faces daily to his routine.
Hope everyone is doing well and wishing you all a Happy Holiday season.
Love love love

Friday, December 11, 2009

A new bump....

Hello everyone!
Hope December is treating you well. It has been a bit bumpy for little Elliot Finn. We left Scottish Rite hospital this Wednesday. Elliot had a condition called pyloric stenosis. Its where food in the stomach can't get to the intestines to be digested. There is a muscle called the pyloric that lets food out of the stomach. His was over developed causing very little food to digest, in the meantime the food (or milk in his case) was building up in the stomach with no place to go causing projectile vomiting.
This is the main symptom of the condition. (and it is horrible) 1 out of 400 kids get it. The cause is unknown. Still a mystery. Elliot had surgery on Monday. They went in through his belly button made a tiny slice on the pyloric muscle opening it up to allow food to pass through. He should be totally fine for the rest of his life. The surgery took maybe 15 minutes leaving no scars since he is so young.
All things considered it is not that big of a deal. There are a lot worse things out there. Lets just hope and pray this is all the bumps in the road for him.
It has been a crazy first month! Elliot is doing great now. Eating well and holding it all in! Yippie no more projectile!!!! Howie's collar bone is doing better. Lots of screws in his shoulder and a nice scar. Mom is doing fine. Ready for no more hospitals.
Hope everyone is ready for the holiday's!!! Drink and be merry..

Krim Howie Elliot Finn