Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello everyone. We are all hanging in. Elliot is doing great. He is growing and getting more handsome everyday. Here are a few pictures of him, and one with Howie's mother. It is so sweet. Howie is going back to work this week with this Gimp self. I will go back next week part time. Oh how the time goes by fast. For of those who have not met him, cant wait for you to. For those who have, thanks for the visits. We love you all and hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving.

Oh Dad!

Well dad took his first mountain bike ride after Elliot Finn was born and........ broke his collar bone in 4 places. These are a few of him and his bike. Life has been fun to say the least. Howie had surgery and is recovering. Painful to say the least! We are doing fine, just wish Howie a quick recovery!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

And the winner is.

Since things happened a little fast and early, we finally have a winner of the "pick the date" contest from the shower. That was such a great time and hope everyone had as much of a good time as we did. At the shower we also had a name the baby jar. It was really fun to go through the names. We actually wrote some of them on our list. So here is the winner and some of our favorite names out of the jar. Thanks everyone!!!

The Winner for closest due date is CHRISTINA CLIFTON!! She picked November 17th. While she thought it was a girl, she still got the closest date. Congrats T. You get the case of Fat Tire (your favorite) the convection oven, and the indoor grill.

Here are some of our favorite pickle names: Boy names: Cedar Henry, Handle Bar Black,
Leroy Stitchcomb (our favorite), Everett,
Chain Ring Davis, Forest Patrick Black, Pablo,

Girls: Olivia K. Davis, Krimie, Petra, La-a (Huh?)
Sara Jean Black Davis,
Phoebe and Cree

Boy or Girl: Sammie

Great Times!

An update

So as you all know, a new beautiful pickle has entered the world. Elliot Finn is here and doing great. We had a little set back and had to go back to the hospital on Wednesday due to a slightly above average jaundice count. Since he was three weeks early, he was in the high risk category so we had to put him under a high powered "grow light" if you will. It was misery to be honest, but he is doing great now. His count is normal and we are home. Things are going well, he is eating like a champ, sleeping well, and going to the bathroom. That's about the extent of life now.
We are great, so happy and in love with him. We took him on his first walk with the dogs. Thankfully the sun is out again and we can enjoy the beautiful days. Thanks again for all the calls, all the texts, all the visits, all the food, and mostly all the support. You guys are amazing. Love you lots.
Here are a few pictures of Elliot under the grow light with some horrible little goggles. May you never have to go through that.........

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome........ Elliot Finn Davis

Elliot Finn Davis is here!!! He was born on Sunday November 08 2009 at 9:35am. He was 7lbs and 19 3/4 in long. Healthy and so so so so beautiful. He was ready to enter this world, as he was 3 weeks early. All is going great. We left the hospital on Monday. Mom is doing really good. Dad is doing great too. The labor was intense and 8 hours but we all survived! Here are a few pictures of the hour old Elliot and a few of dad and him as well. We are so excited and so happy. Cant wait for each one of you to meet him. He rocks! Love you guys lots... Stay tuned

Monday, November 2, 2009

happy halloween

This is us on Halloween. Howie painted a pumpkin on my belly and i had little pumpkins attached around my waist for a pumpkin patch. Howie was a scarecrow. It was really cute and fun. Most people could not believe that was my real belly. So it was pickles first costume. Thought you would enjoy these. 5 weeks to go!!